Brighton Pier Group Plc (The)


Non-ownership Filings

Trading Update Jul. 26, 2024
Result of AGM Jun. 13, 2024
Appointment of Non-Executive Director May. 31, 2024
Publication of Annual Report May. 21, 2024
Final Results May. 08, 2024
Notice of results & AGM Apr. 25, 2024
Block listing Interim Review Apr. 22, 2024

Ownership Update Filings

Director/PDMR Shareholding Aug. 05, 2024
Director/PDMR Shareholding May. 29, 2024
Holding(s) in Company Mar. 04, 2024
Holding(s) in Company Apr. 09, 2021
TR-1 Notification Mar. 19, 2020
Holding(s) in Company Jan. 30, 2020
TR-1 Notification Aug. 28, 2019