Zanaga Iron Ore Company Limited


Non-ownership Filings

Second Price Monitoring Extn Mar. 31, 2020
Price Monitoring Extension Mar. 31, 2020
Change of Registered Office Jan. 29, 2020
Framework Agreement with COIDIC Dec. 11, 2019
Issue of Equity Oct. 09, 2019
Half-year Report Sep. 30, 2019
Result of AGM Sep. 03, 2019

Ownership Update Filings

Holding(s) in Company Feb. 11, 2020
Holding(s) in Company Jan. 03, 2020
Holding(s) in Company Nov. 14, 2019
Holding(s) in Company Oct. 18, 2019
Holding(s) in Company Sep. 19, 2019
Holding(s) in Company Sep. 19, 2019