Robert Walters Plc


Non-ownership Filings

2024 Half-Year Results Aug. 01, 2024
Q2 2024 Trading Update Jul. 15, 2024
Result of AGM Apr. 30, 2024
Resolutions passed at the AGM Apr. 30, 2024
Q1 2024 Trading Update Apr. 16, 2024
Block listing Interim Review Apr. 15, 2024
Total Voting Rights Mar. 28, 2024

Ownership Update Filings

Holding(s) in Company Aug. 28, 2024
Holding(s) in Company Aug. 12, 2024
Director/PDMR Shareholding Aug. 02, 2024
Holding(s) in Company Jun. 10, 2024
Holding(s) in Company May. 15, 2024
Holding(s) in Company May. 15, 2024
Holding(s) in Company Apr. 25, 2024