One Media Ip Group Plc


Non-ownership Filings

Half-year Report Jun. 28, 2024
Further re TCAT Protect App Jun. 19, 2024
TCAT Protect App Jun. 03, 2024
Result of AGM May. 30, 2024
Notice of AGM - Replacement Apr. 29, 2024
Dividend Declaration Apr. 29, 2024
Notice of AGM Apr. 29, 2024

Ownership Update Filings

Holding(s) in Company Nov. 29, 2023
Holding(s) in Company Sep. 06, 2023
Director Dealing Mar. 30, 2023
Holding(s) in Company Sep. 20, 2022
Holding(s) in Company Sep. 20, 2022
Holding(s) in Company Jun. 21, 2022
Holding(s) in Company Jun. 21, 2022