Kcr Residential Reit Plc


Non-ownership Filings

Access to Website - Update Aug. 29, 2024
Access to Website Aug. 29, 2024
Interim Results and Board Changes Mar. 22, 2024
Result of AGM Oct. 27, 2023
Notice of AGM Sep. 29, 2023
Final Results Sep. 20, 2023
Half-year Report Mar. 29, 2023

Ownership Update Filings

Director/PDMR Shareholding May. 27, 2021
Holding(s) in Company Mar. 10, 2021
Director/PDMR Shareholding Oct. 19, 2020
Holding(s) in Company Sep. 10, 2019
Holding(s) in Company Sep. 09, 2019
Holding(s) in Company Aug. 28, 2019
Holding(s) in Company Aug. 23, 2019