Iofina Plc


Non-ownership Filings

H1 Update Jul. 16, 2024
Result of AGM Jun. 13, 2024
Launch of new website May. 29, 2024
Notice of AGM and Resignation of Director May. 15, 2024
Final Results May. 02, 2024
Q1 2024 Corporate Update Apr. 16, 2024
Q4 2023 Corporate Update Jan. 15, 2024

Ownership Update Filings

Holding(s) in Company Jun. 27, 2024
Holding(s) in Company Jun. 25, 2024
Holding(s) in Company Aug. 25, 2023
Holding(s) in Company Jul. 24, 2023
Holding(s) in Company Apr. 28, 2023
Director/PDMR Shareholding Feb. 20, 2023
Holding(s) in Company Dec. 28, 2022